What would my employees change if they were the boss?

That’s the question you should be asking. Not what you would change, but what your employees would change. After all, you’re trying to run a business and a business is only as good as its people.

New year’s resolutions do not have to be confined to our personal lives, they can also be implemented in businesses. A resolution is a decision to do something different in order to do something better.

So what are you doing different in 2019? Or should we ask: What would your employees really want you to change?

The 2018 Global Talent Trends study included 800 business executives, 1800 HR professionals, and more than 5000 employees from 21 industries and 44 countries around the world. Here’s what the researchers found out.


Working with Purpose

Findings: In today’s profit-focused world, you might forget that your employees care about more than just money. A good paycheck is definitely a plus, but modern-day employees have the desire to do fulfilling work. Among employees who are thriving, 75%reported that their company’s sense of purpose aligns with their own personal values.

What you can do: You can ask yourself whether your employees are inspired by your company’s mission. And if not, how you can communicate that better.

What it will get you: Having employees that feel that they’re working with purpose makes them want to put their best effort into everything they do at work. That means the quality of your products and/or services will increase.

Permanent Flexibility

Findings: There’s no such thing as a 9-to-5 workday anymore. It’s outdated and it won’t help you maximize the productivity of your employees. When asked what would help them thrive at work, 40%said that they want their company to offer more flexible work options. And they’re not only talking about when they want to work, but also where and how.

What you can do: The report highlights that there’s a shift necessary from asking permission from a manager or HR to more permanent arrangements. These arrangements are not just work arrangements, they include the act to rethink what work is done, how it is done, and by whom. A permanent solution can only happen if employees are encouraged to act upon the flex benefits without asking permission first.

What it will get you: Providing flexibility increases productivity and decreases work stress. That means that your employees will get more stuff done and take less sick days. It increases efficiency and decreases employee turnover.

Career Movement & Learning

Findings: If you want your business to succeed, you have to think of ways that empower your employees to drive their career forward: 39%of employees report that they are satisfied in their current job but plan to leave due to lack of career options.

What you can do: How can you avoid that from happening in your company? Make sure that your managers are acting as talent advocates. With proper communication between managers and their employees, the managers can identify and understand the career goals of each employee. This way, you can provide your employees with the right career path information and their manager can skillfully coach them and support their development.

What it will get you: It’s a win-win situation: your employees progress in their career, they stay in your organization and become better at what they do; this means you’re adding more value to your organization. As we’ve already mentioned before, a business is only as good as its people.

Are you curious about what your employees think of you, your company and their jobs? And how these insights can help? Make sure to check out our Fan Scan.

With fan-ergy,


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