How to increase your engagement

Engaged employees have strong personal bound with their organisation. They identify themselves with the mission of the organisation and dare to go the extra mile to improve their employer. 

When you are engaged in your work, it means you are enthusiastic about your work(activities), and you lose yourself in it. You are proud on yourself , your colleagues and your organisations’ performance. This provides energy!

How to recognise engagement?

When you are engaged…

  • … you would like to go the extra mile. After your guests leave you are having a drink with your colleagues. You hear the telephone ring. Would you pick up the phone? Or would you think: “This is for tomorrow, we are closed now” when you are really engaged, you have got compassion with your organisation and you would answer the phone. 
  • … you feel responsible for your work. You see there is mess in the aisle? You notice and clean it up immediately. This says a lot about your engagement with your work.
  • … you tell with proud and enthusiasm about the moving situation you have experienced with a client today.

With these 2 practical tips you can increase your engagement

  1. You support the goals of the organisation

A low engagement rate has to do with not knowing what the organisation stands for (vision/mission) and not knowing what the organisation values are (norms/values) or you do know it, but it does not fit you as person. The contribution that is expected from you, is often unclear and therefore it is difficult to meet the expectations

It is the task of your organisation and supervisors to clearly communicate the goals and identity of the organisation. If not? Ask for it. Besides, they will need to indicate what you can contribute to achieve the expectations they have from you. Engage in conversation with your supervisor on this subject. Ask extra information on the organisation and ask for clear short – and long term goals. Together you and your supervisor can get a clear role for you where you can work with.

  1. Develop yourself on professional and personal level

Your engagement has to do with your professional and personal development as well. So work on this. Try to get better in the things you are already good at and like to do. Do not think of things you cannot do well (and should be improved), but think about the things you do well! Focus on your skills and passion. 

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Where am I good at? What are my skills? What is my passion?
  • Do I use my skills and passion in my current job?
  • When was the last time I was able to improve my skills?
  • How can I better use my skills in my work?

Talk about this with your supervisor. He or she think along and help you reach your full potential. Maybe there are things that stand in your way to use your skills. You can determine together what should be done about it and what the follow up should be. You will notice you start working from you strengths. That is nice for your personally, but you are able to contribute to the organisation as a result of it. A so called win-win!

Engagement is customisation

Engagement is not the same for everybody and can express itself in different ways. A low engagement rate can have causes that are different for each person. For example, a lowered atmosphere, dissatisfaction on your supervisors or inadequate trust can be the cause. Ask yourself what your reason is and indicate this with your supervisor. Together you are able to search for solutions to increase your engagement.

Did you know that there is a lot to win as employee when you feel engaged? You look forward to your work. Your enthusiasm is contagious for the team. And above all that, your guests, clients, customer or visitors visibly enjoy your passionate attitude. That is something everybody wants right?